The variation of ventilatory response following the endurance training 耐力训练对运动时呼吸功能变化的影响
Discussion about some biochemical problems of speed and speed endurance training 速度及速度耐力训练生化机理研究
Effects of endurance training on the ultrastructure of skeletal muscle in rats 耐力训练对大鼠骨骼肌超微结构的影响
Effect of glutamine supplementation on plasma glutamine concentration after endurance training 补充谷氨酰胺对持续性运动后血浆谷氨酰胺浓度的影响
Study of the training heart rate of the female students aerobic endurance training in armed police forces 武警某部女学员有氧耐力训练训练心率的研究
Changes in physical fitness of mice and rats in endurance training after transcutaneous electrical stimulation 经皮穴位电刺激后鼠耐力训练中体能的变化
He is a member of the cha ryu group and practices with them daily , through painful endurance training 对攻读法律系的雷成来说,他人生的一个重要目标就是能够通过律师的专业考试。
Exercise need not be strenuous . endurance training , weight training and stretching exercise should all be included in the 运动毋须剧烈,可包括耐力训练运动和重力训练运动,加上伸展运动便更全面
5 . recovery ability . endurance training group and internal training group were found stronger ability in recovery speed 工与一次性间歇运动组相比,耐力训练组和间歇训练组大鼠,表现了较强的恢复能力。
2 . internal training : the activity of sod in myocardium and muscle is lower significantly than that of endurance training group 两种训练模式大鼠安静状态下(运动后48h ) ,耐力训练组大鼠骨骼肌和心肌sod活性最高d
Endurance training is the act of exercising to increase stamina and endurance. The term 'endurance training' generally refers to training the aerobic system as opposed to anaerobic.